Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Just a quick note to let everyone know that the next installment of Wheat Hollow has been finished and in the hands of Troll Lord Games. It's called Lost Fang's Gold (levels 1 to 4)- a simple treasure hunt. Really!! ;o)

I've also finished the 1st draft of Critters & Creatures - a animal/monster book for the Wheat Hollow/Harvester game. As of this moment, it has 114 different animals and monsters to add to the game. It also includes some stats for using certain animals as PCs (i.e. the hedgehog).

So, if all goes well, hopefully we'll have more items available for you to use and enjoy!!

Thanks for your support! It's much appreciated!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jim Holloway - Artist Extraordinaire

I just wanted to take a moment to thank my great friend, Jim Holloway, for all the work he has done for my game and throughout his career. His artwork has been an inspiration to me for many, many years and contiunes to be. He's also been a great friend! Like with most of the things he does, I am without words - his artwork is phenomenal!!

Here are some illustrations he did for Harvesters! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Reincarnation Spell

I've redone the Reincarnation Spell to reflect the Wheat Hollow/Harvesters setting. The spell as it is won't change, but what the individual will come back as has. Check out the table below:

Reincarnation Spell
01-03  Badger                47-58  Weasel
04-09  Bear, Black         59-78  Rabbit/Hare
10-13  Bear, Brown      79-80  Bobcat
14-17  Otter                   81-82  Owl  (roll d12, see below)
18-25  Squirrel               83-86 Boar
26-28  Hedgehog          87-90 Fox
29-32  Mole                    91-96 Wolf
33-42  Mouse                97-99 Wolverine
43-46 Woodchuck       100    CK Choice
Owl result: 1-2, Barred Owl; 3-4, Barn Owl; 5, Great Gray, 6-7, Great Horned; 8-9, Saw-Whet; 10-11, Screech; 12, Snowy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


When the game was first released, there were more than a few spells that made it in that shouldn't have. I've gone through the listing of spells that were in the Castles & Crusades Player's Handbook and have addressed the spells that directly affected animals. I've made a list of them and made changes to the spells that I thought were appropriate. As with all things associated with a game, you can make additional changes as you see fit.

Spell Changes/ Conversions
1.       Animal Friendship – change to the same properties as Charm Person.
2.       Animal Growth – no change.
3.       Animal Messenger – small mammals/birds only.  Save – yes.
4.       Animal Shapes - no change.
5.       Faithful Hound – no change, magical creature.
6.       Hold Animal – no change.
7.       Invisibility to Animals – no change.
8.       Reincarnation – see special posting.
9.       Repel vermin – effects rats, voles, weasels, stoats, and mink.
10.   Speak With Animals – treat as Comprehend Languages.
11.   Summon Animals – spell summons allies of good/evil depending on the alignment of the spell caster.
12.   Summon Beasts or Plants – delete beasts, plants only.
13.   Summon Familiar – familiars are magical in nature, not real animals. They do not possess the traits of the regular animal in the game (i.e. not anthropomorphic – can’t talk, wield weapons, etc). Still possess the properties listed in the book (i.e. Owl – night vision, superior hearing).
14.   Summon Greater Monster – exclude aberrations, fey, giants, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, outsiders, and shape changers.
15.   Summon Lesser Monster – exclude aberrations, fey, and humanoids.
16.   Summon Monster – exclude aberrations, fey, humanoids, outsiders, and shape changers.
17.   Summon Magical Beast or Fey – exclude fey and all others previously mentioned.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them! Thanks!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wheat Hollow - Outlying Monsters: Large Lamprey

Here's the second of the critters/creatures that was left out of the the TLG Crusader article.

Lamprey, Large
SIZE: Small (3ft)
HD: 2 (d8)
MOVE: 9ft./rd
AC:  14
ATTACKS: bite/blood draw (1d6 hp/rd)
INT: Low
TYPE: animal
XP:  15+2/hp

These light green/dark green mottled eel-like creatures are two to three feet long and prowl the waters looking for poor helpless creatures to attach to and drain them of their blood. They use their round sphincter-like mouths and raspy teeth to latch on and suck the blood from their victim. They will drain up to 20 hit points of blood before being satiated and dropping off their victim to return to their lair and digest their meal. They will also use their mouths/teeth to chew holes into the side of boats, causing the boat to take on water and sink; thus, making it easier for them to attain their meals. With small boats (i.e. rowboats), it will take them 1-4 rounds to chew through. Larger, thicker boats and small ships, it will take them 1-4 turns. They can be found in both fresh water and salt water.