Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years!!

Greetings, one-and-all to a new year!

I hope everyone had a fun time and are feeling better, rested!

Here's a little something to get the new year going. I hope you enjoy it! (I hope to have an illustraion of it soon).

Cougar (Mountain Lion)
Frequency:  Rare
SIZE:  Large
HD:  8 (d10)
MOVE:  12ft
AC:  15 (or by armor type)
ATTACK:  3 (2 claws 1d8, 1 bite 1d6) or by weapon type
SPECIAL:  Stalk/pounce
SAVES:  Physical
INT:  Very
ALIGNMENT:  Neutral to Evil
TYPE:  Animal
XP:  450 + 8/hp
These cats are commonly called cougars, but also go by other names such as panthers, mountain lions and pumas. Their fur is most commonly a tawny color, but can be found with variations of black, silver-gray, or reddish. They are commonly found in the mountains, plains, and swamps. They prefer to live on the outer fringes of civilization in wide open places. They are very dangerous and powerful foes. Even for their large size, they are adept at moving quietly and unseen (CL 4). They prefer to sneak up and pounce upon on their victim. They are comfortable at using their natural weapons (bite & attack) or using weapons and armor.  If they have a small keep or castle, they will often have other cats serving them (i.e. lynx and bobcats) along with lesser creatures that are used as slaves. They fear and will avoid open confrontation with jaguars unless they have strong group of fighters with them.