Saturday, March 31, 2012


Frequency:  Common
SIZE:  Small
HD:  1 (d4)
MOVE:  9 ft
AC:  12
ATTACK:  1 bite (1d4) or by weapon type
SPECIAL:  Hoarding
SAVES:  Physical
INT:  Average
ALIGNMENT:  Neutral to Good
TYPE:  Animal
XP:  5 + 1/hp
As adventurer:  -1 strength/+1 dexterity
These excitable critters can be found just about anywhere except the extreme deserts. They are easily identifiable by the white stripes around their eyes and the white and brown stripes along their sides. They rest of them is a light tan to light brown. Although they can be adventurers, they don’t make the best companions for that type of work. They are constantly on the lookout for anything that they can get their fingers on – coins, other valuables, nuts…you name it! Also, any time they are surprised they have to make a save vs. their constitution or they will go running off in any direction they can (12ft/rd) to get away from whatever surprised them. The effect will last for 2-5 rounds. They prefer to use daggers, short swords, and short bows.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Black Tim's Prize

Finished the initial draft and editing on the latest adventure, Black Tim's Prize! Now the hard part! Getting it printed! ;o)

Monday, March 5, 2012

E. Gary Gygax (1938-2008)

I just wanted to take a moment to remember Gary and all that he did for the role-playing genre. It was on March 4th, 2008 that he left us. I count myself fortunate to have had the chance to game with him on his front porch for more that six years - playing board games, D&D, and his latest creation, Lejendary Adventures. We had the chance to play games, swap stories, and enjoy each other's company - what better way to spend time with friends!

So, thank you, Gary!! You made the world a better place to live in and are greatly missed!!