Just a quick note to let everyone know that the next installment of Wheat Hollow has been finished and in the hands of Troll Lord Games. It's called Lost Fang's Gold (levels 1 to 4)- a simple treasure hunt. Really!! ;o)
I've also finished the 1st draft of Critters & Creatures - a animal/monster book for the Wheat Hollow/Harvester game. As of this moment, it has 114 different animals and monsters to add to the game. It also includes some stats for using certain animals as PCs (i.e. the hedgehog).
So, if all goes well, hopefully we'll have more items available for you to use and enjoy!!
Thanks for your support! It's much appreciated!
This is the place where I'll be posting some new things and some tidbits about Harvesters and the land of Wheat Hollow. Harvesters is an anthropormorphic game using Troll Lord Games' Castles & Crusades rules system and is available from their website.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Jim Holloway - Artist Extraordinaire
I just wanted to take a moment to thank my great friend, Jim Holloway, for all the work he has done for my game and throughout his career. His artwork has been an inspiration to me for many, many years and contiunes to be. He's also been a great friend! Like with most of the things he does, I am without words - his artwork is phenomenal!!
Here are some illustrations he did for Harvesters! Enjoy!!
Here are some illustrations he did for Harvesters! Enjoy!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Reincarnation Spell
I've redone the Reincarnation Spell to reflect the Wheat Hollow/Harvesters setting. The spell as it is won't change, but what the individual will come back as has. Check out the table below:
Reincarnation Spell
01-03 Badger 47-58 Weasel
04-09 Bear, Black 59-78 Rabbit/Hare
10-13 Bear, Brown 79-80 Bobcat
14-17 Otter 81-82 Owl (roll d12, see below)
18-25 Squirrel 83-86 Boar
26-28 Hedgehog 87-90 Fox
29-32 Mole 91-96 Wolf
33-42 Mouse 97-99 Wolverine
43-46 Woodchuck 100 CK Choice
Owl result: 1-2, Barred Owl; 3-4, Barn Owl; 5, Great Gray, 6-7, Great Horned; 8-9, Saw-Whet; 10-11, Screech; 12, Snowy.
04-09 Bear, Black 59-78 Rabbit/Hare
10-13 Bear, Brown 79-80 Bobcat
14-17 Otter 81-82 Owl (roll d12, see below)
18-25 Squirrel 83-86 Boar
26-28 Hedgehog 87-90 Fox
29-32 Mole 91-96 Wolf
33-42 Mouse 97-99 Wolverine
43-46 Woodchuck 100 CK Choice
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
When the game was first released, there were more than a few spells that made it in that shouldn't have. I've gone through the listing of spells that were in the Castles & Crusades Player's Handbook and have addressed the spells that directly affected animals. I've made a list of them and made changes to the spells that I thought were appropriate. As with all things associated with a game, you can make additional changes as you see fit.
Spell Changes/ Conversions
1. Animal Friendship – change to the same properties as Charm Person.
2. Animal Growth – no change.
3. Animal Messenger – small mammals/birds only. Save – yes.
4. Animal Shapes - no change.
5. Faithful Hound – no change, magical creature.
6. Hold Animal – no change.
7. Invisibility to Animals – no change.
8. Reincarnation – see special posting.
9. Repel vermin – effects rats, voles, weasels, stoats, and mink.
10. Speak With Animals – treat as Comprehend Languages.
11. Summon Animals – spell summons allies of good/evil depending on the alignment of the spell caster.
12. Summon Beasts or Plants – delete beasts, plants only.
13. Summon Familiar – familiars are magical in nature, not real animals. They do not possess the traits of the regular animal in the game (i.e. not anthropomorphic – can’t talk, wield weapons, etc). Still possess the properties listed in the book (i.e. Owl – night vision, superior hearing).
14. Summon Greater Monster – exclude aberrations, fey, giants, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, outsiders, and shape changers.
15. Summon Lesser Monster – exclude aberrations, fey, and humanoids.
16. Summon Monster – exclude aberrations, fey, humanoids, outsiders, and shape changers.
17. Summon Magical Beast or Fey – exclude fey and all others previously mentioned.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them! Thanks!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Wheat Hollow - Outlying Monsters: Large Lamprey
Here's the second of the critters/creatures that was left out of the the TLG Crusader article.
Lamprey, Large
SIZE: Small (3ft)
HD: 2 (d8)
MOVE: 9ft./rd
AC: 14
ATTACKS: bite/blood draw (1d6 hp/rd)
INT: Low
TYPE: animal
XP: 15+2/hp
SIZE: Small (3ft)
HD: 2 (d8)
MOVE: 9ft./rd
AC: 14
ATTACKS: bite/blood draw (1d6 hp/rd)
INT: Low
TYPE: animal
XP: 15+2/hp
These light green/dark green mottled eel-like creatures are two to three feet long and prowl the waters looking for poor helpless creatures to attach to and drain them of their blood. They use their round sphincter-like mouths and raspy teeth to latch on and suck the blood from their victim. They will drain up to 20 hit points of blood before being satiated and dropping off their victim to return to their lair and digest their meal. They will also use their mouths/teeth to chew holes into the side of boats, causing the boat to take on water and sink; thus, making it easier for them to attain their meals. With small boats (i.e. rowboats), it will take them 1-4 rounds to chew through. Larger, thicker boats and small ships, it will take them 1-4 turns. They can be found in both fresh water and salt water.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wheat Hollow - Outlying Monsters: The Swamp Sloth
Presenting one of the monsters that was cut from the TLG Crusader article - The Swamp Sloth.
Sloth, Swamp
Frequency: Very Rare
SIZE: Large
HD: 4 (d10)
MOVE: Land – 9ft/Water – 18ft
AC: 15
ATTACK: 3 (2 claws, 1d6; 1 bite 1d6)
INT: Average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral/Evil
TYPE: Animal
XP: 60 + 4/hp
SIZE: Large
HD: 4 (d10)
MOVE: Land – 9ft/Water – 18ft
AC: 15
ATTACK: 3 (2 claws, 1d6; 1 bite 1d6)
INT: Average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral/Evil
TYPE: Animal
XP: 60 + 4/hp
Swamp sloths are not like their more docile cousins. They are very aggressive and can move quite well on land. They like to live in areas where it is wet – lakes, rivers, and marshes/swamps. They are great swimmers and like to attack small water craft, tipping them over and attacking/eating the critters inside. They will often make their lair on an island or a secluded spot near water and plan their attacks from there.
They are large for their kind and are entirely covered with heavy, thick fur that is dark gray or brown in color. They have dark brown eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. When they attack they prefer to use their large paws that have long sharp claws and prefer to eat other animals instead of leaves and plants.Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
This is Brother Albert here from Wheat Hollow. Just wanted to wish everyone the best as the Holiday season begins. All the little critters here are getting ready for the big feast later today. Be rest assured that we will have all the fixins - cakes, pies, pasties, breads, flans, cheeses, and the finest cordials and ales (a ;o) to Mr. B.J).
Take Care, everyone!!
Brother Albert
This is Brother Albert here from Wheat Hollow. Just wanted to wish everyone the best as the Holiday season begins. All the little critters here are getting ready for the big feast later today. Be rest assured that we will have all the fixins - cakes, pies, pasties, breads, flans, cheeses, and the finest cordials and ales (a ;o) to Mr. B.J).
Take Care, everyone!!
Brother Albert
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Redux V: The Hare/Rabbit
Frequency: Common
SIZE: Medium
HD: 1 (d8)
MOVE: 12ft
AC: 12
ATTACK: 3 (2 punches (1d4)/1 kick (1d6))
SPECIAL: Pugilist/Speed Burst
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
SIZE: Medium
HD: 1 (d8)
MOVE: 12ft
AC: 12
ATTACK: 3 (2 punches (1d4)/1 kick (1d6))
SPECIAL: Pugilist/Speed Burst
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
With their long ears, long legs, bushy white tail and voracious appetites, it’s not hard to identify rabbits and hares. Their fur is commonly a dark gray or brown, but has been known to be white, black or even piebald (multi-colored). They can be found just about anywhere except on the high seas – they would rather march long distances than bounce about on the high seas. However, they will travel on ships if there is no other means for them to get to where they want to go. They normally will live in regular houses or in warrens dug into a hillside.
They are strictly vegetarians; but, beware, if given a chance they will eat you out of house and home. They will use any type of weapon and will wear any type of armor. Due to their long legs, they are able to run fast for short distances. They can run up to three times their normal speed for as many rounds as their constitution score. After this, they must rest for 2d10 rounds before trying it again. If they do not rest, they must roll versus their constitution – failure means that they fall to the ground exhausted and will have to rest for a full hour before trying it again. Any armor other than leather, will decrease the duration of running by one point (i.e. Chain shirt (AC 15) and 16 Constitution; 16 – 5 = 11 rounds).
All rabbits and hares are able to punch and kick; however, roughly 25% (NPCs)/10% (PCs) of rabbits and hares have the innate ability of pugilism, or boxing. Those that meet that criterion are able to fight as a fourth level fighter. If the rabbit, or hare, is already of a fighter type, they are able to add that to the fighting skill (i.e. 2nd level fighter, +6 to hit when using their hands and feet). Often times, those with this ability will rarely use regular weapons. This ability does not apply to priests, wizards, or thieves.
Redux IV: The Otter
Frequency: Common
SIZE: Medium
HD: 1-3 (d8)
MOVE: 9ft (land)/15ft (water)
AC: 14
ATTACK: Bite (1d6) or by weapon type
SPECIAL: Swimming
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
SIZE: Medium
HD: 1-3 (d8)
MOVE: 9ft (land)/15ft (water)
AC: 14
ATTACK: Bite (1d6) or by weapon type
SPECIAL: Swimming
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
Probably one of the more playful animals in all of Wheat Hollow, otters just love to swim and play in the rivers and lakes – especially if they can slide down on their stomachs into the water. Their long sleek brown bodies are perfect for these types of things. They have small ears, dark brown eyes, and a large brown gum-drop nose. They are most commonly found near some source of water – rivers, streams, lakes or ponds. They can be found away from these areas, but very seldom. When not living in towns or villages, they will often live in underground burrows along the side of rivers or lakes. Their thick brown fur keeps them well insulated when swimming in water, no matter how cold. Otters can swim in just about type of water and under just about any conditions, except hurricanes. They prefer to not wear armor because it interferes with their swimming, it’s too cumbersome and slows them down; but, will wear it if they are adventuring in non-aquatic areas. They can use any type of weapon, but prefer to use spears – they get a +1 to hit when using them in underwater combat. They are fond of eating fish, crayfish, and small turtles with their sharp teeth. Although they are part of the weasel family, they don’t very much care for their smaller cousins too much (i.e. weasels, mink, stoats, etc.). See the Harvesters RPG for more information in regards to otters as player characters.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Redux III - The Squirrel
Squirrels, Gray/Fox
Frequency: Common
SIZE: Medium
HD: 1 (d6)
MOVE: 9ft
AC: 12
ATTACK: Bite (1d4) or by weapon type
SPECIAL: Climbing
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
SIZE: Medium
HD: 1 (d6)
MOVE: 9ft
AC: 12
ATTACK: Bite (1d4) or by weapon type
SPECIAL: Climbing
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
Squirrels are a common sight in Wheat Hollow - whether they are in the towns and villages or found in the surrounding woods and forests. They are two slightly different types of squirrels in Wheat Hollow – the gray and fox. The gray squirrels are the slightly smaller of the two and have all gray fur except for their white stomachs. Fox squirrels typically will have a tannish-orange fur with slightly gray tips to the hair (which can cause some confusion with identification with their cousins). They have small fuzzy ears, shorter arms and legs, and a long bushy tail. They both like to build nests or houses in trees, but will also live in small houses on the ground. Nuts, berries, insects, eggs, and corn are just a few of the things they like to eat.
They are excellent climbers and can scale just about any tree, building, or structure around. They have a +10 to any roll concerning climbing (dexterity). Should they fail their save, they will get a second roll to see if they can catch themselves before they fall (dexterity). Like mice, armor does cause some problems with their climbing ability. Any armor will increase the CL factor (+1 to CL/AC point above 11). However, if the squirrel is a rogue, there is no penalty for leather armor due to training. They can use any kind of armor and will be able to use any type of weapon. Due to their inquisitive nature, squirrels will often seek adventure as a means to “quench their curiosity”. See the Harvesters RPG book for further details.
** Again, this is still in the priliminary stages and things could change a bit (probably not much though).
Monday, November 21, 2011
Redux Number II: The Badger
Frequency: Uncommon
SIZE: Medium/Large
HD: 1 - 4 (d12)
MOVE: 9ft
AC: 12
ATTACK: 3 (2 claws (1d8)/1 bite 1d6)
SPECIAL: Battle Rage
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 9 + 1/HP - 80 + 4/hp
SIZE: Medium/Large
HD: 1 - 4 (d12)
MOVE: 9ft
AC: 12
ATTACK: 3 (2 claws (1d8)/1 bite 1d6)
SPECIAL: Battle Rage
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 9 + 1/HP - 80 + 4/hp
Although not quite as common as the other critters of Wheat Hollow, badgers can still be found on a fairly regular basis. They are often found in the open fields, where they make their homes in the sides of hills or under the stumps of old trees. The more well-to-do badgers will build their own home. Because of their commanding presence and combat skills, they are often asked to be the leader of most towns and villages. Despite their outwardly appearance, they are kind of heart and will do their best to serve the community as best as they can.
Badgers are easily identified by their black and white striped face, their wide gray body, and big paws/claws (very good for digging). Because of their large claws, they are able to dig one foot of earth per round and can easily dig a hole to get into an area or for protection from the elements. They tend to keep to themselves, patrolling the outlying areas for danger. More often than not, the other critters in the area are unaware that its because of the badgers that they are safe. Badgers detest any kind of vermin and will do their best to destroy them. When in combat he/she has the option of willingly going into a battle rage; however, they will have to roll a save versus their intelligence to pull out of it. If a badger gets in to a big battle, finds himself/herself fighting a wolverine, or loses half his hit points, he must roll a save versus his intelligence - if he should fail, he will fall into a battle rage that will last for as long as his constitution score (+2 to hit/+2 to damage/-2 to AC). For every five rounds of combat, the badger is able to roll versus his intelligence to stop the rage. When they rage if over, he will drop to the ground exhausted, unable to fight or stand for 1-4 turns. Although the badger has sharp claws and teeth, they prefer, and are able, to use any type of armor or weapon.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A slight redux...
When I wrote up the different PC races for the Harvesters RPG, I didn't do a write-up for just the regular, run-of-the-mill critter. So, I've been working on fixing that. Here's what I have so far for the mouse. Let me know what you think!
P.S. - Still working on the Animal Spells...
Frequency: Common
SIZE: Small
HD: 1 (d4)
MOVE: 6ft
AC: 11
ATTACK: Bite (1d3) or by weapon type
SPECIAL: Climbing/Move Silently
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
Mice are the most common critter found in Wheat Hollow. They can be found just about anywhere you look – in the open fields, in the woods, or in villages, towns or cities. They come in many colors – from white, brown, gray, or black. Mice will make their homes in many different places - under logs, dig their own hole, build their own houses, or just about any place suitable that they can find. They have large ears, beady little black eyes, and a long skinny hairless tail. Mice are curious and often times will seek their fame and fortune as adventurers (see the Harvesters book for specific details). They are very good climbers, almost as good as squirrels in some cases, and are able to scale just about any surface (+6 to dexterity rolls). If they are required to fight, they will often use daggers, short swords, or short bows. They can use any type of armor; however, this will adversely affect their climbing scores due to its bulkiness and weight (add +1 CL/AC point above 11). However, if the mouse is a rogue, there is no penalty for leather armor due to training. Likewise for moving silently, they receive a +6 to their rolls versus dexterity (add +1 CL/AC point above 11).NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 - 100
SIZE: Small
HD: 1 (d4)
MOVE: 6ft
AC: 11
ATTACK: Bite (1d3) or by weapon type
SPECIAL: Climbing/Move Silently
INT: Average to High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to Good/Evil (5%)
TYPE: Animal
XP: 7 + 1/HP
P.S. - Still working on the Animal Spells...
Monday, November 14, 2011
An Owl Example...
This is something I've been toying with when it comes to some of the owls. Have a look-see and let me know what you think. There's still a few things that have to be corrected before it goes into my Creatures and Critters book.
Owl, Great Horned
Frequency: Uncommon
SIZE: Medium
HD: 5 (d8)
MOVE: 18ft
AC: 15
ATTACK: 3 (2 claws (1d6)/1 bite (1d8))
SPECIAL: Wing Sweep/Stealth/Spell Use
INT: High
TYPE: Bird
XP: 240 + 5/hp
Frequency: Uncommon
SIZE: Medium
HD: 5 (d8)
MOVE: 18ft
AC: 15
ATTACK: 3 (2 claws (1d6)/1 bite (1d8))
SPECIAL: Wing Sweep/Stealth/Spell Use
INT: High
TYPE: Bird
XP: 240 + 5/hp
Probably the wisest of the owls, they are also one of the most adaptable and most commonly seen owls around. They can be found in just about any environment, though they prefer wooded areas for nesting and roosting. Their brownish-gray bodies, large yellow eyes, and the large brown ear tufts are their most recognizable characteristics. They will eat just about any small to medium sized animal, but preferred to pursue rabbits and squirrels. They will make their homes in larger, open stick nests, tree cavities, or small houses that are built in the branches of large oak or conifer trees (think of a particular owl that is visited by rather plump bear). They have the same flying stealth as other owls.
Thanks and enjoy!!
Next up: Those pesky C&C Animal Spells...
Like their larger cousin the Great Grey, they are able to use their large wings to knock smaller and medium sized animals off their feet (roll versus dexterity), but prefer the use of magic spells (wizard) instead. Because of their higher intelligence, they are able to use up to third level spells (i.e. 12-14, 1st level spells; 15-16, 2nd level spells; 17-18, 3rd level spells) – to determine their intelligence, roll 4d6, drop lowest die roll. They will receive one spell per point of intelligence from 12 on up (i.e. 12, 1 first level spell, 13, 2 first level spells, etc). The maximum at 18 is 3 first level spells, 2 second level spells, and 2 third level spells. On occasion, a Great-Horned owl will decide to follow the clerical route. For this, roll for the wisdom score and use the same rules for priest spell acquisition.
Thanks and enjoy!!
Next up: Those pesky C&C Animal Spells...
About dem sizes...
I've had a chance to think things over and I've changed things a little bit when it comes to sizes, but not much. For the size comparison, I've decided on this:
Badgers = Human
Otters = Human
Rabbits/Hares = Elf
Squirrels = Elf
Mice = Halfling
This was something that stumped me for a bit when I first thought about it; but, seeing that it was anthropomorphic...I thought, heck, why not?! It does make things easier to work with though, doesn't it.
Up next: An owl example.
Badgers = Human
Otters = Human
Rabbits/Hares = Elf
Squirrels = Elf
Mice = Halfling
This was something that stumped me for a bit when I first thought about it; but, seeing that it was anthropomorphic...I thought, heck, why not?! It does make things easier to work with though, doesn't it.
Up next: An owl example.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
This thing called movement...
A question that has come up quite often, which somehow I completely missed when writing for the game, was the different movement rates and how it all worked. I guess that oversight has caused some consternation, eh?! Sorry.
The way I've played it in my game is that each movement round is six seconds (10 movement rounds in a combat round (which is sixty seconds/one minute)); so, if an otter has a movement of 9ft/rd, that would equate to 90ft in a regular combat round.
Here's the list that I've decided on and that I've been using:
Badgers - 9ft/rd (90ft)
Mice - 6ft/rd (60 ft - short legs)
Otters - 9ft/rd (90ft) (Land)/12ft/rd (120ft) (Water)
Rabbits/Hares - 12ft/rd (120ft - long legs)
Squirrels - 9ft/rd (90ft)
I hope that clears the air a little bit!
The way I've played it in my game is that each movement round is six seconds (10 movement rounds in a combat round (which is sixty seconds/one minute)); so, if an otter has a movement of 9ft/rd, that would equate to 90ft in a regular combat round.
Here's the list that I've decided on and that I've been using:
Badgers - 9ft/rd (90ft)
Mice - 6ft/rd (60 ft - short legs)
Otters - 9ft/rd (90ft) (Land)/12ft/rd (120ft) (Water)
Rabbits/Hares - 12ft/rd (120ft - long legs)
Squirrels - 9ft/rd (90ft)
I hope that clears the air a little bit!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Missing illustrations from TLG's Crusader article
Here are some illustrations that Jim Holloway did for the article I wrote for TLG's Crusader magazine that didn't make it in due to limited space. The first is the Lampreys, second is the dread Swamp Sloth, third is Red Rufus the long-tailed Bobcat, and the last illustration is of Zadooks and his little pal, Cubby (psst, they're not as mean as they look).
Friday, November 11, 2011
Greetings, Harvesters Fans!
Greetings, All!
Meet Muttonchops!! He looks pretty tough on the outside, but on the inside he's a bit of a softy! He's here to help me out with this blog-thingy that I'm starting in support of the Harvesters RPG from Troll Lord Games and to post some things about Wheat Hollow and it's environs! So, keep an eye out, as I will post some ideas and thoughts that pop into my headl. Also, it will allow me to post some great illustrations that Jim Holloway did for the game and for some that didn't make it in for an article I did for TLG's Crusader Magazine.
Meet Muttonchops!! He looks pretty tough on the outside, but on the inside he's a bit of a softy! He's here to help me out with this blog-thingy that I'm starting in support of the Harvesters RPG from Troll Lord Games and to post some things about Wheat Hollow and it's environs! So, keep an eye out, as I will post some ideas and thoughts that pop into my headl. Also, it will allow me to post some great illustrations that Jim Holloway did for the game and for some that didn't make it in for an article I did for TLG's Crusader Magazine.
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