Saturday, May 4, 2013


Frequency:  Very Rare
SIZE:  Large
HD:  8 (females) to 10 (males) (d10)
MOVE:  16ft
AC:  20
ATTACK:  3 (2 claws (1d10)/1 bite (1d12)) or by weapon type
SAVES:  Physical
INT:  Average to High
TYPE:  Animal
XP:  500 + 8/HP - 1050 + 10/hp

Lions are the undisputed kings of the savannahs and plains, often travelling in prides of 6 to 8 animals to patrol and govern their area of control. The male is easily distinguishable by his mane, whereas females do not possess them.  Second to tigers in terms of size, they are just as formidable and much feared by all the lower animals. Their main source of food is larger animals (i.e. wildebeests, zebras, gazelles), but will take smaller animals as well. Most prides are nomadic; but, if a superior lion comes forth, he will establish a kingdom covering many miles, often combing several other prides (up to 20 – 30 cats) and will subject smaller cats to be their servants and caretakers. Like other cats, they are expert stalkers and blend in well with the grassy plains due to tan fur (CL 4). They often use the claws and teeth, but prefer to use larger weapons for combat (i.e. two-handed sword), which can use one-handed with ease due to their great strength (+3 to damage).
Their roar can cause great fear in their enemy. Any critter hearing this roar will have to make a save versus their intelligence or be struck dumb with fear. If the save failed, the creature will be frozen with fear for two to five rounds (1d4+1). If the lion attacks in this time, it will negate the effect.

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