Friday, January 20, 2012

The Polar Bear

Bear, Polar
Frequency:  Rare
SIZE:  Huge
HD:  10-12 (d12)
MOVE:  12ft
AC:  12
ATTACK:  3 (2 claws 1d10, 1 bite 1d8) or by weapon type
SPECIAL:  Hug attack 2d8/rd, save vs. strength to break free; ½ damage from cold based spells
SAVES: Physical
INT: Average
TYPE:  Animal
XP:   1050 + 10/hp to 1600 + 12/hp
These giant white bears are the Lords of the North. They control the tundra and the frozen lands by brute force. Although they are not as stocky as their cousins the brown bear, they are just as strong. They prefer to use giant icicles as clubs, doing 3d8+4 (strength) points of damage, but are just as comfortable using their two paws and bite attack. If both paws are successful in hitting, they will use their bear hug attack for an additional 2d8 points of damage. They will continue this attack until the victim is subdued, killed, or the opponent is able to break free (save vs. strength). Because of their thick fur and skin, they will only take half damage from cold base spells (1/4 damage if savings throw is made).
Polar bears will often reside in large caves, if possible, or build large castles made out of ice and snow. They will often have arctic foxes, ermines (weasels), and, at times, wolverines as their servants and guards. In rare cases, they may ally themselves with the lynx. They prefer fresh meat to plants and will happily take unfortunate adventurers as food. If they are lucky, he will use them as slaves first, then food.  Their territory usually covers large areas (i.e. miles) of land. It is not unheard of for one polar bear to be at war with other polar bears over territory and feeding lands.
The statistics given above are for the adults only - for the young, start with one HD per year of age until they hit adulthood (10-12 HD).